When choosing the type of screen printing polyflex t-shirt printing, it is very important you learn first what are the advantages and disadvantages of screen printing polyflex t-shirts. As you can see from the name of the screen printing technique, this screen printing uses elastic (polyflex) to glue the prints. Polyflex screen printing utilizes materials such as vinyl or stickers which will then become the print media for the t-shirts produced. The hope of using this technique is that the results of screen printing can be stronger compared to other methods. But are these expectations in accordance with the circumstances?

Polyflex t-shirt screen printing technique is done by using polyflex as a print media. So first your digital design will be printed on a cutting sticker on a polyflex material. Then the material will be pressed into the shirt, so that the design results move. The process is definitely faster than other types of screen printing. But are there other advantages you need to know from this technique? Or is there a risk of deficiencies that overshadow the process of polyflex screen printing?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of Polyflex T-shirt?
In order to be able to answer the previous questions, of course you must learn each of the advantages and disadvantages of this screen printing technique without exception. If you have not known the information beforehand, then consider the explanation below because the section below will review in full the advantages and disadvantages of polyflex screen printing earlier. So there is no need to wait any longer, here are some advantages and disadvantages of polyflex screen printing techniques that are carried out on t-shirts.

Talking about the advantages of a screen printing technique, it means you have to consider whether these advantages will meet the needs of the t-shirt screen printing business that you expect. So careful consideration is needed to determine the value or weight of each excess to be presented. Therefore, here are some advantages of polyflex screen printing techniques that you should consider.
– The printed screen image is not easy to fade, peel off, scrape, even though it is washed and used quite often.
– If you choose high quality polyflex, then t-shirts can last for a very long period of time.
– The quality of the screen printing results is higher in accuracy and certainly neater.
– It is possible to do unit screen printing, not necessarily in large quantities.
– Making screen printing to finish much faster than various other types of screen printing.

After knowing the various advantages of this polyflex t-shirt screen printing technique, then what you need to know is what the drawbacks are. Information about these shortcomings can make it easier for you to weigh and decide whether to use this screen printing technique or not. So for those of you who have been curious about what are the shortcomings of the techniques that are currently favored, along with the full explanation.
– Does not have a variety of color choices and as much as digital printing
– Requires vinyl polyflex which is expensive as a screen printing material.
– Using a printing machine to polyflex material is also no less expensive.
– There are still many who do not know the existence of this one of the screen printing techniques.
   This technique is more widely known in areas that are already using technology rapidly (capital for example).
– Because polyflex material has a limited size, even designs that can be printed become limited in size.

That was a complete explanation of what are the advantages and disadvantages of screen printing polyflex t-shirts that you need to know. Now you are not confused anymore, did you decide whether to use this screen printing technique or not? If you have decided to use this screen printing technique, then make sure to minimize the possibility of shortcomings happening in the work you are doing. So the advantages of using this screen printing technique can be even greater you feel. good luck